
The intent of our physical education curriculum is to ensure that all pupils during their time at Leasowe Primary school will be involved in the following:

·         Develop physical education by providing students with sustained periods of activity through well sequenced PE sessions and additional intra-school and inter-school competitions taking place throughout the year.

·         Physical activity is also encouraged throughout the school day via active learning to encourage a positive lifelong attitude towards the positive benefits of an active lifestyle.

·         Extra-curricular clubs (after school). Active play is also encouraged at breakfast club and break times through play leaders and the wide range of outdoor equipment available.

·         Becoming physically confident in a way that supports health and fitness

·         Evaluating their own performance and the performances of their peers using age-appropriate vocabulary.

·         Developing confidence in swimming.

·         Opportunities for enrichment for all year groups.

.          Experiencing expert coaching from visiting coaches in a variety of sports.

.         Celebrating success, participation, effort and respect through sports’ certificates, assemblies and displays throughout school.

Early years

P.E is taught by a P.E specialist and class teachers in EYFS ensuring that gross motor skills are being taught effectively. During their P.E lessons with our P.E specialist, gross motor skills are a key focus where children access a range of activities that focus on negotiating space and obstacles safely, with consideration for themselves and others. They also learn how to demonstrate strength, balance and coordination when playing and move energetically, such as running, jumping, dancing, hopping, skipping and climbing. These skills are also built upon with a range of activities that are set up in the outside space for F1 and F2 and the children access these daily to ensure these key gross motor skills are being practised and built upon.


We teach a structured, high-quality curriculum that promotes a physically active and healthy lifestyle. We teach lessons that embed core skills and we build on these throughout each key stage and year group. Our equipment provides opportunities to become physically active during break times, lunchtimes and after school which enhances their mental and physical health, reducing obesity. Our school provides after school clubs where children can learn new skills, fulfil a love of sports and keep physically active. We have a highly skilled sports coach from Clare Mount delivering PE lessons, staff CPD who works alongside the P.E subject lead to ensure all children are accessing active P.E lessons and are provided enrichment opportunities to expose them to sports outside of school.


The impact of this is that our children will have experienced a range of sports, games and skills which will provide opportunities to discover interests and talents which may last a lifetime.  Our aim is that every child will have found a way to shine.

Why is P.E important?

Not only does exercise improve a child’s overall health and fitness it helps to improve their mental health and cognitive development as well, by doing physical exercise, children are more likely to concentrate and maintain focus in lessons. As well as strengthening muscle and bones, exercise builds confidence, inspires positivity and improves social skills. P.E also offers children the opportunity to see the importance of leading active, healthy lives as well as understanding sportsmanship, fairness and respect through the sports and activities they undertake.  At LPS, we offer many sports opportunities within our curriculum  as well as extra-curricular clubs, which allow children the opportunity to learn new skills and participate in school competitions. 

When is PE taught? 

P.E is taught weekly by a specialised sports coach and teachers. This year, class teachers will be working closely with a secondary specialist P.E teacher, Mr Heaton, to teach a range of skills across a wide range of sports and activities. Children will also be participating in ‘Walk a Mile’ which will take place 3 times a week to ensure that children are keeping active and healthy. Each half term, every class has the opportunity to visit a local sports college where they will be taught skills in a particular sport and to help to embed our four core valuable skills within P.E - Psychological, Technical, Physical and Social.

What do we learn in PE?

Progressive PE- Children will develop skills across the curriculum in gymnastics, invasive sports and Athletics. Our specialist secondary PE teacher works with all children on a termly focus to ensure skill progression in these key areas. 

This year, we will really be embedding 4 core values: social, physical, psychological and social.  

Throughout the year we will work with other external sporting agencies and charities to help enrich our curriculum further. Organisations such as Tranmere Football Club, Activity for All, Bike ability are all part of what we offer the children. 

Swimming - All children from Year 2 to Year 6 will be attending swimming sessions within the year. Each class will attend for 5 x 1 hour lessons and will be taught by qualified swimming instructors. 

After school sports activities

All after school activities will be led by Mr Egan and Ms McCallister. Letters will be given out each half term to parents with more information.