At LPS, Science is very important to us. Science is a core subject of the National Curriculum and at LPS we aim to stimulate and sustain a child’s curiosity in finding out why and how things happen around them and in the world. Science teaches children to enquire, question and investigate and stimulates independent, creative thought. Children will begin to appreciate how science effects their future on a personal, national and global level. Children will also learn how they, as individuals, affect the world around them.
Children will need an understanding of Science in a work force becoming increasingly more scientific and technology driven, so we strive to show the children how science is used in many industries and career paths and we believe this curriculum can also help them lead a healthy, productive life.
Our aim is that all children leave LPS with a secure Science knowledge that will enable them to access the wider Science Programme in their secondary placement.
We have developed an ambitious Science Programme that is based on the National Curriculum expectation for science theory, knowledge, vocabulary and skills. Our curriculum is ordered in such a way as to ensures progression of knowledge through the subject and children will understand how all units are related and dependant on each other. Children are also given every opportunity to work scientifically and experimentally and think independently. Learning is done in such a way as to, show the children how Science is an integral part of all learning, their lives, communities and society.
Children learn the importance of Science within our history as humans (both naturally and technologically) and also our place in the world today and be aware that they, as individuals, play a part in our planet’s journey.
Our curriculum aims to:
· Stimulate children’s curiosity and enjoyment of science.
· Develop practical learning.
· Develop observation, interpretation, prediction and questioning skills.
· Encourage children to make their own suggestions and approaches to problems.
· Teach children how to collate and use data.
· Teach children how to work safely and how to assess risk.
· Teach the children their place within the natural world.
· Ensure children treat the natural world and their environment with respect.
· Prepare the children for Biology, Physics and Chemistry in secondary education.
Each child receives an hour and a half of science teaching each week and their learning is organised into six thematic units covering the following topics through their time at LPS:
Earth and Space
Seasonal changes
States of Matter
Heat and Energy
Water Cycle
Living things and their habitats
Evolution and inheritance
Forces and magnets
How is Science taught?
Science is taught through thematic units that are progressive and build on each other. The Progression Map shows which thematic units are taught and when during the academic year. The Progression Map documents the knowledge taught within each unit and how this leads into KS3.
Scientific skills are gained by providing the children with opportunities to experiment practically, make observations, enquire and research. Children are encouraged to apply their learning to explore and explain the world around them. Learning takes place both inside and outside of the classroom (in our allotment and forest school area).
Our children use the outside space when required and have access to our garden/allotment area. We are also developing our Forest School Provision and children will have the opportunity to experience this during their time at LPS.
Culture capital opportunities will be provided through the year for all children to visit an appropriate outside venue that will embed their learning.
How do we assess and monitor Science?
At LPS, assessment and monitoring of our subjects is used rigorously to gain an accurate understanding of individual children's progression and to identify any barriers for learning. Staff are well trained in assessing continuously throughout a topic, as well as using summative assessments to inform future planning and teaching. Subject leaders use a range of monitoring techniques to ensure high impact and quality of teaching in order to ensure all children are making progress.
Weekly lesson begin with a knowledge recall which ensures children are retaining their knowledge but also allows the teachers to assess the knowledge retention.
Science in EYFS
Science plays a key role in all teaching within EYFS as all learning is focused on children ‘Understanding the World’. Children learn through explorative and modelled continuous provision which is created specifically to allow children to enquire, question and discover. The EYFS team are led by the children’s curiosity and interests and children are given the opportunity to transfer their skills with carefully planned activities. Staff ensure that children are exposed to the vocabulary and skills they will need in order to access the progressive Science curriculum at LPS in Year 1 and beyond. This provision means all children have the opportunity to achieve their Early Learning Goals before entering KS1.
Science for SEND and disadvantaged children.
Children falling behind will be identified quickly as knowledge is assessed via a knowledge recall activity at the beginning of every lesson. Support will be given to those children in small groups prior to the next lesson.
Children with SEND that cannot access our main classrooms at any time are taught in classes of smaller size and with greater adult ratios to support their learning and ensure they have the same opportunities and outcomes as their peers. The children are taught in these classrooms until they are ready to access the main classrooms again. Some children however, are able to access some of their learning with their peers in the subjects they are strongest in and also spend time in the additional classrooms during the subjects they need more support in.
Our 3 additional classes:
SEMH class
Key Stage 1 class
Key Stage 2 class
Our Science curriculum ensures that children are engaged in learning about the world around them and their place within it. Children gain the knowledge they need to access KS3 science and further their understanding. The children gain the building blocks for a career in Science should they desire it but also know that an understanding of Science will benefit them in most paths they choose and also help them keep healthy in a sustainable world.