Parent Survey 2024

Thank you to our families for completing the questionnaire and for your comments and responses about our school. We have compiled the results and are pleased to present them to you. The results of this will be discussed and shared at the next governor’s meeting and with staff so that we can make our school an even better place to be for pupils and parents. Parents’ suggestions are gratefully received and will be considered as we set our school development priorities for the future.

Our parent survey is just one way in which we collect your opinions, as we do our best to discuss ways forward with you face to face at the school gate or in our family sessions. This time, we had 36 responses to our parent survey. We are committed to raise this number significantly next time as your voices and opinions matter to us and are important in paving the direction of our school. 


The school curriculum engages my child in learning 

 75% in agreement 8% disagree

We agree with this and we have worked very hard over the last 12-18 months to improve our curriculum. Children are engaged in learning and show good progress. We pride ourselves in providing an engaging curriculum with well-chosen topics that make learning real by good use of resources, trips and visitors. Our subject leaders monitor teaching of their subjects closely to ensure all children are getting the most out of each subject. Children who enjoy learning, do better and are more likely to succeed in school and beyond. Children also agree with this and have given us lots of positive feedback about the curriculum and what they like most about the topics in each year. 

 I am pleased with the extra-curricular activities and clubs that are on offer to my child.

 63.9 in agreement, 8% disagree 

Since September 2022 we have increased the number of extra- curricular activities and clubs significantly. In the last 2 years we have added drama club, chess club, sports clubs, daily fitness clubs, photography club, cookery club, eco club, pottery club and extra lunch time clubs of board games, structured games and mindfulness. We are always adding more and will be starting a ukulele club in the new year.  All children regularly have access to extracurricular activities both within school time and after school. Keep an eye on Class Dojo pages to see what clubs are available and when. We welcome club suggestions and are proud that many of our clubs are chosen by the children.

My child experiences a wide variety of learning opportunities 

90% in agreement, 0% disagree 

We agree with this and try our best to further enrich our curriculum and offer by using external agencies and school trips to enhance our curriculum as much as possible. We will continue to provide a broad curriculum that offers children this wide variety of learning opportunities. 

The school has high expectations for my child

74 in agreement, 8% disagree

Our school motto is  ‘The Sky is the Limit’. This is to remind children and staff that there is no ceiling or limit to what our children can achieve and we need to be their biggest champions of achieving great things. The high expectations we have are reflected in our teaching and the curriculum we provide. Links with grammar schools, high profile clubs and tournaments also show the high expectations we have for all our children.  

My child is being prepared for the next stage in their learning 

74% agree, 19% disagree 

We feel that we do well on preparing children for the next stage well. Whether that be entering mainstream after attending our Resourced Provision, entering a new key stage or leaving for secondary school. Much thought and preparation is put into securing key knowledge and skills allowing children to access the next stage or focusing on MHWB so that children are emotionally ready to move on. This is an important part of our ethos and curriculum at LPS and we will continue to identify what is needed for the next stage and do our best to ensure the children are ready for it. 

My child enjoys going to school 

76% in agreement, 24% disagree

We know that a high-quality, engaging curriculum teamed with a welcoming, enriching environment promotes enjoyment of school. We are always looking at ways to strengthen and further improve our curriculum so that all children are more engaged and enjoy learning. We work carefully to ensure our children are heard and celebrated. On occasion, situations arise where children or families may not feel this is the case and we strive to improve this by ensuring our policies (such as behaviour and anti-bullying) are reflected throughout our school and are being adhered to so that all children are happy and having a positive experience. 

My child is safe in school

72% in agreement, 16% disagree

Safeguarding is our absolute priority. We have 3 key members of staff trained to Safeguarding Lead level and every other member of staff has up-to-date training regularly throughout the year. Our reporting procedures are well-embedded and the school has developed successful links with Wirral Safeguarding teams, the police and Safeguarding supervisors. We have a very experienced safeguarding governor and active governing body that help ensure safeguarding is effective. Our safeguarding policy is reviewed annually and any necessary changes are made implemented. 

My child feels confident to talk to staff if they have a problem

67% in agreement, 22% disagree 

We pride ourselves on the relationships that we build within school with the children. Building discussion and trust is paramount to a successful learning environment and the children feeling safe. This is an area we would like to work on. Moving forward we will ensure there is time within the school day for children to touch base with an adult and ensure any problems are raised. Extra care will be taken by staff to ensure children feel confident to discuss any troubling issues with staff and have them addressed. 

I feel confident talking to staff if there is a problem 

80% in agreement, 11% disagree 

There are numerous ways families can communicate with teachers or staff if required. Class Dojo has a very effective messaging system; teachers are available after school most days to discuss any issues and we also have a very efficient family liaison officer who can offer support to families if a problem should arise. We have a complaints procedure that will include SLT if needed and a member of staff or SLT will be on the gate in the morning should you wish to discuss anything without making an appointment. Going forward, we will clarify these methods of communication and have a clear open door policy but be assured we will welcome any and all conversations with families should a problem arise either formally or informally. 

My concerns are listened to and dealt with effectively?

64% agree 19% disagree

When concerns occur, we strive to work with parents to reach satisfactory resolutions for all involved. We use policy and procedure to guide us in decisions as much thought is put in to these processes. On rare occasions, concerns are not resolved to everybody’s liking and when this is the case, we work hard to maintain positive relationships with families and ensure all children are accessing the high-quality learning they are entitled to.

Behaviour is consistently well managed

68% agree and 27% disagree

We are proud of the vast improvement of behaviour in school and this is reflected strongly in our pupil and staff voice. Encouraging positive behaviour and managing instances of poor behaviour effectively, is always high on our priorities. Clearly this is an area that needs more focus so that it is clear to all what is being done. We have had a recent audit of our behaviour policy and have created a new behaviour curriculum that clarifies our expectations. In addition, we will ensure that any instances of poor behaviour are dealt with consistently and effectively. We will be rolling our new behaviour curriculum over the next year and will be sharing this with parents in the next stage.

The school promotes the importance of good attendance and encourages my child to attend regularly

88% in agreement, disagree

Our school works very hard to promote good attendance by having weekly attendance assemblies, attendance awards, attendance meetings, an active attendance officer who is in communication with parents and working closely with the Wirral’s Attendance Officer. Despite our efforts, attendance still needs to improve and will continue to be an area of focus going forward to the next academic year. 

The school leadership team is approachable and listens to concerns

66% in agreement, 23% disagree 

Our School Leadership Team works hard to act on any concerns families may have and improve our school for the children. We have an open door policy and welcome families in to discuss any concerns. It is important that families feel SLT are approachable so going forward we will ensure SLT are on the playground during pick up and drop. We will continue to promote our open -door approach and spend time building relationships with families so that any concerns can be addressed with confidence. 

I feel part of the school community

52% in agreement,  19% disagree

We want families to feel part of our school and have tried hard over the last year to invite families into school to celebrate and have your say. In the last academic year we have had successful Christmas and summer Fayres, class sharing events and parent/teacher workshops and weekly workshops and events with our family liaison officer.  We want families to feel part of our school community so going forward we hope to develop a PTA, have more sharing events to celebrate the wonderful work of our children and more parent workshops in more subject areas. 

I feel the school encourages my child to be healthy

74% in agreement, 14% disagree

Encouraging children to lead healthy lifestyles is incorporated into all curriculum areas. We take part in many local sporting events, start swimming from year 2, discuss healthy choices and have many healthy options at lunch time. We provide all children with a free breakfast and ensure children are confident to make healthy choices. 

Children who are happy in school, learn more and achieve. Over the last year we have focussed on the MHWB needs of our children by developing relationships with CAMHS and providing all classes and many children with targeted interventions. We have retrained all staff in ‘The Rest Easy’ method and ensured it is used consistently across the school and we have been led by pupil voice when choosing new extra-curricular activities and school improvement ideas such as playground equipment.


The school offers good Mental Health and Wellbeing support

50% agree 17 disagree

We are proud of the MHWB support we offer in school. It is an essential part of our curriculum and every member of staff is trained in supporting children in this area. In addition we have a dedicated MHWB practitioner that works in school for 2 days a week and a trained practitioner from CAHMS to provide weekly interventions. Going forward, we need to communicate what we are doing to support MHWB to parents more effectively and offer more family workshops in this area.


I find Dojo a useful way to communicate with teachers and keep up to date

83% agree 11 percent disagree

Dojo has proved to be an effective way to communicate with families. It is eco friendly and instant. Some families would prefer an additional method of communication and text and email is something we are looking into.

I believe the school's Anti Bullying Policy and approach is effective

50% agree 26% disagree

We feel our school is a safe environment where children are safe from bullying however clearly we need to focus on this so families are as confident as we are. Since the survey, we have had more anti-bullying workshops for children and families and have been focussing on key areas such as E-safety. We will continue to improve in this area and look forward to the next parent survey to check our progress.

I believe the school supports children with additional needs well

61% agree 19% disagree

Meeting and supporting the additional needs of learners is an area that we feel we do well. All staff are trained in adaptive teaching and specific interventions. We also have substantial training in neurodiversity and meeting specific learning needs. We have reviewed are current offer in detail and have some exciting changes occurring in September 2024 to help further improve our provision.