What homework looks like at LPS
At LPS we aim for homework to deliver confidence and consolidation of key skills- as well as being easily accessible to parents and carers. We believe that family support is an essential part of the learning journey and hope that parents and carers can help their children by encouraging and making time for these key skills at home.
Home work in all classes is set on Friday and due in on the following Friday.
Reading is the foundation of our curriculum and it is essential these skills are practised at home. In key stage 1, we set a target of reading at least 3 times per week with books being brought into school daily. As children gain independence in key stage 2, we encourage children to read school books each school night. In addition to levelled books, we strongly encourage children to read for pleasure and choose their own books too.
Spellings will be set on a Friday and published on class Dojo pages. In addition, paper copies will also be available. During school time, we teach a range of techniques for learning specific spellings that can be used at home too. Ask your child how they learn them in school or visit this link.
Times tables
A good knowledge of times tables is essential for success in maths. All KS2 children have logins to Times Table Rock Stars. This is an educational app that uses an algorithm to work out times tables the children need to learn next. 5 minutes each day or regular access has a significant impact on their time table knowledge. There are lots of apps and websites that support the learning of times tables but chanting them together and learning songs is another great way to help children remember them.
Topic homework
Each half term a fun, creative family homework will be set for families to work on together. After each school holiday, our masterpieces will be showcased and celebrated in our assemblies and on social media.
In addition to the above, teachers may set topic specific homework ro enhance learning in specific areas. This will be set in class or via dojo.
At LPS we are mindful of creating a balance of activities that best support learning in school, are easy to facilitate for families and are engaging for children. We welcome any feedback you have regarding homework.