F1- In September 2022, we opened our own F1 Nursery provision for three year old children. We are proud of the impact this provision has already made upon our youngest children’s progress and we are excited to see the provision evolve over time, offering the children of Leasowe Primary School the very best early years education in a caring, nurturing and stimulating environment. Please take a look at our introductory video on the EYFS page.
Admission to F1- If you are interested in a place at Leasowe Primary F1 for your 3 year old child, please contact the school office on 0151 638 1126, or simply pop in. We would love to see you. Office staff will provide you with an admissions pack for you to complete and return. We will arrange a meeting for you and your child to attend with our F1 team, who will answer any questions that you might have.
In addition to this, there will be a series of drop in sessions throughout the year which you are more than welcome to come along to.
F2- Under Wirral’s Policy for admitting children, they are accepted into mainstream primary education in the school year of their fifth birthday. Children who will have their fifth birthday between 1 September 2024 and 31 August 2025 will start school full time in September 2024.
Parents who wish their child to have a place at our school must complete a Parental Preference Form and return it to the Local Authority during the December before they are due to start. The Authority handles all the applications for places and then informs parents and the school.
If the child lives within the school’s catchment area a place is usually awarded. If the child lives out of zone an application can still be made but will be considered by the Local Education Authority and if classes are not full a place will be offered.
In June, meetings are held for parents of children who have been accepted and who are starting Reception in September. At these meetings parents will be given information about the way the school runs and about the curriculum. They will also have the opportunity to ask any questions.
Following these meetings, the children will be invited to spend some time in school before they start, to help them become familiar with staff and the school.
We look forward to welcoming you and your child to our school. We are happy to show prospective parents around the building during the school day so you can see us in action before making a decision. Please contact the School Office for an appointment on 0151 638 1126.
For more information for parents about Primary Education in Wirral, click on the link below
If your child is not allocated a place at the school of your choice, you may appeal against the decision. Appeals are heard by an Independent Appeal Panel and this decision is final.
For more information about the Appeal Procedure please follow the link below