The school has a uniform, which we hope will be worn by all children.
Uniform should include black or grey trousers, tunic or skirt with a white polo shirt and sweatshirt or v-neck jumper in red, which is the school colour.
A uniform gives a sense of belonging, stops competition and allows children to save their best clothes for out of school. We hope parents will make every effort to encourage children to wear it. We sell sweatshirts, with our own crest, at reasonable prices, although this is not compulsory..
Our School PE Kit & Swimming
Children will be given the opportunity to develop their skills in gymnastics, small games, athletics, swimming and team games.
Children must be properly equipped. They must have a change of clothing and footwear for P E, which must be appropriate and is best kept in a pump bag. Indoor PE is done in bare feet unless there is a medical problem. They should have shorts, vest or sports shirt and suitable footwear.
Children are not allowed to wear jewellery of any sort, as this can be dangerous.
Parents must inform the school, in writing, if their child is not fit to do PE. If the school is not informed, then a letter will be sent to parents asking for a reason to be given, as P E. is part of our National Curriculum offer. We ask for your co-operation in these matters.
Years 2 to 6 will have swimming sessions at some time during the year and they must come suitably equipped for this. They will walk to the local pool. A letter will be sent home outlining the pool rules for swimwear.
All children should be swimming by the time they are 11 and we ask for your support in taking your child for extra sessions.