Why is Music important?
Through music, we are provided with a powerful universal language which helps promote unity, enables us to process and express our emotions and fuels our imagination.
Music is important in developing individual discipline, focus and memory.
Whether the we are singing, playing, or listening, we develop our aural discrimination through music, which is an important part of communication and literacy.
When is Music taught?
Music is taught through thematic units, both through Skills Development Tasks and through learning which then apply those skills. The Satellite View maps out which thematic units feature this subject and clearly shows the objectives taught.
How is Music taught?
Music is taught through a combination of subject knowledge and composing, performing, listening and appraising skills. Learning takes place both inside and outside the classroom. Our Year 4 children are able to learn a musical instrument under the guidance of Mr Harper. This is continued in after school clubs and 1-1 tuition.
Who do we learn about in Music?
We learn about a range of famous composers from history, such as J.S. Bach, Ludwig Van Beethoven and Rimsky-Korsakov.
We also learn about more contemporary composers, such as Andrew Lloyd-Webber.
What do we learn about in Music?
We learn about the following:-
Graphic scores
Signs and symbols
Sound effects
Sea shanties
Folk songs
National anthems
Slave songs
Battle chants
War songs
Cyclic patterns
Instrument families
Evolution of instruments
African music, including drumming
Celtic music
Hannukah music
Film music
Inuit throat singing
How do we assess and monitor Music?
At LPS, assessment and monitoring of our subjects is used rigorously to gain an accurate understanding of individual children's progression and to identify any barriers for learning. Staff are well trained in assessing continuously throughout a topic, as well as using summative assessments to inform future planning and teaching. Subject leaders use a range of monitoring techniques to ensure high impact and quality of teaching in order to ensure all children are making progress.