Attendance Team
Meet our attendance team who do their very best to ensure children are in school and on time. If you would like to discuss your child's personal attendance or have any queries, please contact one of our team who would be happy to help.
Mrs Graham, Mrs Allen and Mrs Hill
Why is regular school attendance important?
Leasowe Primary School works closely with children and parents in connection with attendance so that each child can achieve their full potential.
By law, all children of compulsory school age (five to sixteen) must receive a suitable full-time education.
Once your child is registered at school, you are legally responsible for making sure that they attend regularly. If your child fails to do so, you risk getting a penalty notice or being prosecuted.
You also need to think about the negative impact upon the following:
their learning
their friendships
their self-esteem and confidence.
Leasowe Primary monitors the attendance of every child in the school and works in partnership with our Schools LA Attendance Officer. Together we work and support those children and their families who are not attending school without sufficient reason.
It is very important that you contact the school, on the first day of absence, to let us know that you child is ill. Our school contact number is 0151 638 1126.
90% attendance sounds good, but means that your child misses:
one half day each week
nearly four weeks every school year
over one school year in a school career
Our school's target for this academic year is 97%
Timekeeping is also important in the education of your child.
If your child is persistently late then they are missing out on important start of lesson.
School doors open at 8:45am and will close at 9:00am promptly.
If you arrive after this time, please report to the main school office where you will be asked to sign your child in. Registration will close at 9:15am; any child who arrives after this time will be marked as absent.
Timekeeping is also important in the education of your child. If your child is persistently late then they are missing out on important assemblies as well as the start of the first lesson.
We work closely with our LA Attendance Team to monitor each child's punctuality; parents who persistently bring their children to school late may be issued penalty notices.
Persistent Absenteeism
If your child’s attendance falls to below 90%, they are considered to be persistently absent. You will be invited to school for a meeting with Mrs Hill and the LA Attendance Officer who will discuss ways in which we can support you. In cases where these meetings are not successful, penalty notices will be issued.
Support and Advice
If you require any support or advice with attendance and punctuality, please contact the main office to arrange an appointment.
Children may not take family holidays during term time. Term time holidays will never be authorised and may be subject to penalty notices.
Attendance Assembly
Pupil attendance is vital to a successful education in primary school as this is the foundation for lifelong learning.
Each week the highest attending classes are celebrated in a designated attendance assembly, alongside those individuals whose attendance is most improved. Within this assembly, the children are reminded of the expectation for regular attendance at school and for our whole school attendance target.