
Leasowe Primary School

Leasowe Primary School is located on the north coast of the Wirral Peninsula, approximately seven miles from Liverpool on the opposite side of the River Mersey. We are situated within a large housing estate, with a surrounding area that is rich in natural beauty and both modern and ancient history.

We are an inclusive, community-focused school with 202 pupils on roll and one form entry from F1 to Year 6.

We pride ourselves on the inclusive nature of our school. As such, we provide a personalised, bespoke approach to teaching and learning for those children with who benefit from smaller groups and tailored support for some or all of the day.

We are proud of our school and the opportunities that we offer our children to learn and grow together, safely and respectfully.

Headteacher’s Welcome

My name is Claire Hill and I have had the privilege of being Headteacher at Leasowe Primary School since September 2022. Thank you for visiting our website, which I hope will provide an insight into the wonderful environment that we offer for our children to learn and grow, safely and happily. 

Visitors to our school regularly comment on the “warm feeling” that they get as they explore the school building. The entire staff team are committed to our inclusive, nurturing and ambitious focus and dedicate themselves to promoting our values of “Love Learning”, “Pride in all we do” and “Safety and respect for all”, throughout all aspects of school life.

We are a family at Leasowe Primary and by working together with all stakeholders, we know that our children will flourish, both in their time with us and in the future. I could not be more proud of our staff team, our incredible children and of the excellent relationships that we have with our local community, and would love the chance to show you what we have to offer. 

If you would like to visit or require paper copies of any information displayed on our website, please feel free to contact the school office on 0151 638 1126 

We look forward to meeting you.

Mission Statement:

Leasowe Primary School strives to be an inclusive community who learn and grow together

#includeandbeincluded #theskyisthelimit

Our school values are embedded in all aspects of school life…

L - Love Learning
P - Pride in all we do
S - Safety and respect for all